My very own alien baby!

November 21, 2006 at 1:20 am 4 comments

At my first ultrasound today, I learned several very important things:

  • My baby’s heart is beating. I could see it on the ultrasound monitor, and the technician turned on the sound so I could hear. At the doctor’s visit last week he couldn’t hear it. He told me not to worry, but I did 🙂
  • I have only one baby! No more ‘maybe it’s twins’ jokes! Phew.
  • My baby really does look like an alien! It’s got the face of a classic Gray.

But the one piece of information I was hoping to know was denied me. It seems in B.C. they refuse to divulge any information about the sex of the baby until after the 25th week. I asked if it was to prevent gender-related abortion, and the technician confirmed that it is the main reason. It was disappointing, but I’m also glad that it opens up the opportunity for my husband could be there for the big reveal – he couldn’t make it to this appointment.

All the other mommies told me the ultrasound would be uncomfortable, because they order you to drink a litre of water and prohibit you from peeing for several hours ahead of the appointment. But the real shocker was that when I got there, they told me my bladder was too full, handed me a styrofoam cup and told me to pee ‘just this much’. Um, okay.

Thank goodness I’ve practiced my Kegels.

Entry filed under: Pregnancy.

GamerDad: birthing class isn’t worth it Cutest alien baby ever!

4 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Paul  |  November 23, 2006 at 1:49 am

    I presume we don’t get to see pictures of *your* alien until week 26ish? I’m quite looking forward to it.

    By the way, “Gray” has now been added to my ever-growing list of euphemisms for your zygote. This list will, very likely, continue to grow until well past his or her college graduation.

  • 2. Briana  |  November 23, 2006 at 1:52 am

    I’ll post pictures as soon as we can scan ’em in – we don’t have a scanner here at home. We’ll probably ask one of the grandmas.

  • 3. the babysitter  |  November 24, 2006 at 9:06 am

    I like Gray, but “zygote” is just that much better as a fetus name. When else do you get to use the letter Z in a name?

  • 4. Paul  |  November 26, 2006 at 12:03 pm

    If ever I’m feeling particularly technical, I’m also fond of “Blastocyst”. Doesn’t have nearly the same ring as “Zygote”, but it breaks up the monotony a little.

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